Update 3.0 Fist of Eternity Patch Notes



1. New classes "Fighter" and "Brawler" have been added.

Starting from an amnesiac state, the Brawler receives the help of their mentor Sarakael, who seems to know them well, to recall their lost memories. In these memories, the Brawler is a trainee at Lumiere’s Mansion alongside their friends and believes that the bright days will be everlasting, only for such dreams to be crushed. When the Brawler remembers all the events that took place at Lumiere’s Mansion, they exit the space of their unconsciousness and return to reality, where they reclaim a life driven solely by their own will.

  • You can ascend from a Fighter to a Brawler through a special mission.
  • A melee class that uses a new weapon, the “Dragon Claw,” and wears leather armor.
  • Upon becoming a Fighter, you are supplied with 2 “Administrator's Boons,” limited to an upper limit of Level 20.

2. A new “Magic Suppression” ability has been added.

3. The maximum level for all characters has been increased to Level 60.

4. The XP loss penalty from dying that applied to characters Level 50 and below has been removed.

  • The penalty has been maintained for characters Level 51 and above, as previously established.

[Lumiere's Mansion]

A new instance dungeon, "Lumiere's Mansion,” has been added.

A place where many Daevas live and receive training, Lumiere's Mansion is a place where all the trainees strive to join the Esteemed Ranks and proceed to the Paradise of Eternity. At first glance, it seems like a peaceful mansion, but there is a dark secret hidden underneath this facade.

  • Upon creating a Fighter character, you start off at Agaria and can progress at Lumiere's Mansion.
  • Fighters and Brawlers cannot participate in certain quests in Ishalgen, Altgard, Poeta, and Verteron.
  • No class except the Fighter and Brawler classes may go to Agaria or Lumiere's Mansion.
  • Brawlers can use Teleporters upon completing the “Back to Reality” quest.

1. If you leave Lumiere's Mansion while completing a campaign, the quest will be rolled back depending on the quest status.

  • If you leave during the quest, the corresponding quest will be marked as acquired.
  • If you leave when the quest can be completed, the quest will remain completed.

2. There is a low probability of obtaining rewards from objects in Lumiere's Mansion.

Obtainable Rewards

Lumiere's Mansion Earrings

Lumiere's Mansion Ring

[Aion Look]

1. Hair Wardrobe added.

2. The hair change function is available after Hair Change Tickets are registered to the wardrobe.

  • Quna is consumed when changing hair.
  • Hair changes are applied with the character's existing colors maintained.
  • You cannot register a Hair Change Ticket that has already been registered.

3. Registered Hair Change Tickets can also be used to change appearance or gender.

  • You cannot use Hair Change Tickets of the opposite gender on your character.

4. One default slot is provided, with an opportunity to use Wardrobe Slot Expansion Tickets and Quna to expand slots.

5. The hair change function cannot be used when the character is flying, gliding, dead, or in a private shop.

6. Registered hairs that have been deleted cannot be recovered.


1. The UI has been revamped.

  • The in-game HUD, UI, and fonts have been updated.
  • In accordance with the overall UI improvements, settings and help sections have been partially edited.

2. The screen size changed to be set at a 16:9 ratio.

3. HUD editing functions have been added.

4. A category selection function has been added to the map.

5. The number of quests that can be registered in the Quest Tracker has been increased.

6. Title bookmarks have been added.

7. A function to save equipment set titles has been added.

8. The status bar for Executors has been changed to display Electric Power instead of MP.

9. When purchasing items from NPCs, you can now purchase multiple items at once by dragging items into your Shopping Cart.

10. The tutorial has been removed.

11. The issue where the window size changes when adjusting the chat window font size has been fixed.

12. The issue where quest markers were not displayed on some quest-related monsters has been fixed.

13. The issue where buttons related to item recovery were displaying abnormally has been fixed.

14. The issue where pop-ups behaved abnormally when registering multiple items in a private store has been fixed.

15. The issue where Battlefield waitlist information and entry confirmation UI were displayed next to the 3rd Portable Floating Bar has been fixed.

16. The issue where the displayed UI would close when some UIs popped up during “Auto-Arrange Windows” mode has been fixed.

17. The location of the “Sort Inventory” button has been changed.

18. The issue where the connection queue pop-up was not properly displayed in the center of the screen has been fixed.

19. The issue where UI sizes were applied improperly when enabling/disabling “Auto-Arrange Windows” mode has been fixed.

20. The issue where related UIs were not adhering to determined orders has been fixed.

21. The title fonts for some UIs have been changed.

22. The issue where there was overlap of the HP bar and buff icon for summoned creatures has been changed.

23. The issue where some items were not displayed in the integrated pet pouch when storing multiple pets in warehouses has been fixed.

24. The issue where the Alter mode UI was not displayed in certain situations has been fixed.

25. The issue where the selected target's UI overlapped with the target's buff icon has been fixed.

26. Some adjustments and changes have been made to the icons in the Menu.

27. The gauge UI has been set to be displayed higher than other UIs.

28. The font and size of the Group/Alliance/League UIs have been changed.

29. The color of dead opponent PCs within the radar map has been changed.

30. The issue where unusable buttons were displayed on the quest timer has been fixed.

31. The issue where the title of the intermediary sale confirmation pop-up was displayed abnormally has been fixed.

32. The issue where the emphasis effect for acquiring new items displayed abnormally has been fixed.

33. Certain HUD icons have been changed to display emphasis effects and sounds when output conditions are met.

34. The issue where the "Auto Search on Exit” in the “Find Group” UI did not function properly has been fixed.

35. The design of the target information HP bar for each monster grade has been changed.

36. The issue where the count window that pops up during character selection or when quitting the game could be moved has been fixed.

37. The title font of the Alter Book UI has been changed.

38. The issue where some slot icons on the floating Quickbar were displayed abnormally has been fixed.

39. The server selection window background image has been changed.

40. The issue where the Soul Shard Slot was displayed in the equipment set settings has been fixed.

41. A function that displays inventory slots in the store UI has been added.

42. The store tab UI has been revamped.

43. The “Gather/Craft” window has been modified to be moveable in HUD edit mode.

44. The intermittent issue where the size and placement of some categories were applied abnormally during HUD editing has been fixed.

45. A function that allows you to change the compass size has been added.

  • You can select the “Compass (L)” or “Compass (S)" status using the zoom button at the top right corner of the compass.
  • Depending on the size, the AoE that can be checked on the compass will vary.

46. Flight UI has been revamped.

  • The color of the flight gauge displayed on the edge of the compass will change depending on your available flight time.
  • One lap of the gauge is equivalent to 2 minutes.

47. A new Greater Stigma Slot has been added.

48. A function that displays your Legion's mark for competitive activities has been added.

  • You can check this through the rankings/Legion search screens.
  • Only Legion marks collected by the client will be displayed, and Legion marks that have not been collected will show the default mark.

49. The issue where Legion marks were displayed awkwardly on the ranking/Legion search screens has been fixed.

50. The issue where slots in the inventory were incorrectly marked “empty” when the inventory was overloaded has been fixed.

51. The issue where the UI size would occasionally differ from the set value has been fixed.

52. A “Windstream Start Point” has been added to the map.

53. The issue where you could not move when clicking on a space where a quest was not displayed in the Quest Tracker UI has been fixed.

54. The issue where the Quest Journal was displayed abnormally in some settings has been improved.

55. The issue where the Daeva Schedule would occasionally display at abnormal times has been fixed.

56. A function that displays a red notification circle on the top right of certain icons in the Menu has been added.

  • Receive notifications for completing Daeva Pass missions.
  • Receive notifications if there are items that can be registered in the Storybook.
  • Receive notifications when you have achieved Daeva Potential and are eligible to receive rewards.
  • Receives notifications when there are items to be settled in the Integrated World Exchange.
  • Receive notifications when new profile window badges are acquired, or Regular Stigma slots are unlocked.
  • Receive notifications when you have maxed out the count for how many Moros items can be recorded.

57. A function that displays a red notification circle on the top right of certain icons in the Menu and HUD has been added.

  • Receive notifications for completing Daeva Pass missions.
  • Receive notifications if there are items that can be registered in the Storybook.
  • Receive notifications when you have achieved Daeva Potential and are eligible to receive rewards.
  • Receive notifications when there are items to be settled in the Integrated World Exchange.
  • Receive notifications when new profile window badges are acquired, or Regular Stigma slots are unlocked.
  • Receive notifications when you have maxed out the count for how many Moros items can be recorded.

58. The resale window has been modified to not move when using the resale batch purchase function while the "Auto-Arrange Windows” option is enabled.

59. A function that displays an icon with the remaining time of an item with less than 3 days until expiration has been added.

  • For items that have both expirations and cooldowns, the shorter duration of the two will be displayed first.

60. Seven new marks have been added.

61. The "Select Nearest Enemy PC” key function has been changed to “Select Nearest Player.”

  • In addition to existing PCs of the opposing faction, you can also select PCs of the same race, displayed with red names, that are recognized as enemies on battlefields or in the Lawless Land.

62. The character name of whoever installs a Kisk has been changed to always be displayed under the Kisk name, regardless of the installer's location.

  • If the installer is located in the Lawless Land where the character's name is obscured, an outlaw's name will be displayed below the Kisk name.

63. A “Lawless Land” display control function has been added to the map.


1. A new field, “Rafslan,” has been added.


The Elyos and Asmodian fleets that had been advancing to Tiamaranta with victorious spirits make an emergency landing in the unfamiliar, barren land of Rafslan after nearly crashing due to a gravity trap set in the sky by Tiamat. Originally territory under the former Dragon Lord Apsu, Rafslan is a region infiltrated by the influence of the 5th Dragon Lord Tiamat's powers of gravity, acidity, and petrification.



NPC Location

Entry Condition


Battleship Eos Boarding Device

Inggison Illusion Fortress

Level 56 or higher


Battleship Midnox Boarding Device

Gelkmaros Fortress

Level 56 or higher

  • A set amount of Kinah is required to enter Rafslan.

2. Base warfare has been added.

  • When you occupy an outpost or base, you can acquire your choice of 1 of 2 “Group Quests.”
  • You can acquire Daily and Weekly Quests.

3. A World Raid has been added.

  • The raid takes place every Sunday at 22:00 in the Subterra Lord's Habitat at Rafslan.
  • When the raid begins, players near the “Subterra Lord's Habitat” will be relocated to outside the raid area.
  • When the raid starts, the remaining time is displayed on the map.
  • The force with the most raid monster kills will win, and you will receive rewards depending on your level of contribution.

4. Treasure Hunt feature has been added.

  • Treasure Boxes appear in the Lawless Land in Rafslan.

5. The Relics Exchange NPC in Apheta Beluslan has been moved to Rafslan.

6. The location of the Vindachinerk NPC has been moved to Rafslan.

7. The location for the "Dark Cloudy Merchants” quest has been moved to Rafslan.

8. A quest that allows you to acquire "Black Gold Medals” has been added.

9. Fortuneers/Charlirunerk's Daemons quests have been added.

10. A provision supply feature has been added.

  • “Base Support Marks” have been added to the rewards for completing daily quests at the Rafslan outposts.
  • A new weekly quest has been added to provide “Base Support Marks” as rewards.
  • Every day from 19:00 to 02:00 of the following day, a Supply Merchant NPC will appear at specific regions in Rafslan, from whom supplies can be purchased using “Base Support Marks.”

<Ra> Trading Merchant

<Fs> Trading Merchant

<Lan> Trading Merchant

Withered Parhelic Plains

Dreary Yolf Basin

Jagged Stone Valley


  • A Supply Merchant appears when a specific outpost is occupied, at which point you can deliver exchanged supplies and select a reward.


<Ra> Trading Merchant

<Fs> Trading Merchant

<Lan> Trading Merchant


Rafslan 5th Outpost

Rafslan 8th Outpost

Rafslan 3rd Outpost

Rafslan 4th Outpost

Rafslan 3rd Outpost

Rafslan 4th Outpost


Rafslan 6th Outpost

Rafslan 8th Outpost

Rafslan 3rd Outpost

Rafslan 6th Outpost

Rafslan 4th Outpost

Rafslan 5th Outpost

  • You can purchase appearance items, as well as certain skins and skill books using “Adventurer Marks" from Latanerk and Lafenerk NPCs.

11. A dummy has been added to Battleship Eos/Battleship Midnox.

12. Stairs going from the first floor to the upper floor of Battleship Eos/Battleship Midnox have been added.

13. Certain terrains in Rafslan have been modified.

14. The Design Merchant, Kensrunerk, has been placed in Rafslan.

15. Stairs leading to the bridge where the Battleship Eos/Battleship Midnox commanders are located have been added.

16. Certain terrains in Rafslan have been modified.

17. The XP Reward for completing certain quests in Rafslan has been changed.

18. Invincibility has been disabled for when Treasure Boxes in the Lawless Land affect each other.

19. The number of Fighting Spirit Gems that can be obtained when defeating Grand Chieftain Shiraka and Grand Chieftain Huuta has been changed to 2 gems.

20. The Soul Healer on Battleship Eos and Battleship Midnox has been removed.

21. The abilities of “Runaway Yamennes” have been adjusted.

22. A Diad Commando feature has been added.

  • Occurs every Sunday at 21:00 near the Withered Parhelic Plains.
  • When more than 20 entities in the <Diad Commando> have been defeated, the <Diad Commando> will disappear and be replaced by the <Diad Commando Captain> at one of the designated locations on the Withered Parhelic Plains.
  • Upon defeating the <Diad Commando Captain>, you can obtain a reward.

23. Awkward terrains have been fixed.

24. The spawn location of certain monsters has been fixed.

25. A new raid boss, “Arch Diad,” has been added to the Rafslan region.

  • The raid will take place at the Captured 67th Legion Fortress starting at 22:00 on the Saturday.
  • The force with the most raid monster kills wins, and you will receive rewards depending on your level of contribution.

26. The respawn time for dropped supply boxes has been changed.


Brainwashed Krall Village

Brainwashed Mau Village

  • The Treasure Box feature will take place in the Lawless Land that has been added.
  • Treasure Boxes will spawn at random locations within the Lawless Land.

[World Raid]

1. A World Raid has been added to the Inggison/Gelkmaros region.

  • Raid takes place every Friday at 21:00 at each Faction base.





  • The force with the most raid monster kills wins, and you will receive rewards depending on your level of contribution.
  • There is a set chance to obtain the new L60 Fabled “Silence Weapons” and “Subterra Raiders Amor.”


1. The field boss monster that appears in the Inggison/Gelkmaros region has been removed.

2. The sales list for the Fighting Spirit Gem Trader has been changed.

  • The exchange prices for certain items in the corresponding sales list have been changed.


1. Two new skills have been added for each class.

2. Existing skills for each class have been adjusted to suit the new levels.

3. Some skill effects for Templars have been changed.

4. Some skill effects for Gladiators and Executors have been changed.

5. Some skill effects for Assassins have been changed.

6. The weapon equipment conditions for the Templar's "Shield Shock” skill has been modified.

7. One type of Stigma has been added for each class.


Stigma Name

Skill Effect


Exhausting Wave I (Revival Wave I) (Max I)

Exhausting Wave: Deals physical damage to enemies within a 7m radius and absorbs 30% of the HP upon hit.

Multicast 3 times

Revival Wave: Deals physical damage to enemies within a 7m radius and causes them to stumble.


Illusion Chains I (Max I)

Pulls a target within 15m and up to 6 enemies within 6m of them toward the caster, increases their hostility, and reduces the target's movement speed and attack speed for 10 sec.


Skybound Trap I (Max I)

Explodes with a 10m AoE, which deals damage to up to 8 enemies and makes them airborne with a high probability.


Shadowfall I (Max I)

Deals physical damage to stunned enemies, causes them to stumble, and resets Focused Evasion cooldown time.


Meteorite I (Max I)

Deals magical earth damage to enemies within a 10m radius knocks them back at a set probability.

Multicast 4 times


Soul Torrent I (Max I)

Deals magical water damage to a target within a 25m radius and removes 1 normal magical buff at a set probability.

Multicast 5 times


Lethal Prayer I (Max I)

Increases your Magical Accuracy and Magic Boost by 200, Crit Spell by 50, and decreases casting time by 10% for 20 sec.


Rise I (Max I)

Disables stuns, knock backs, stumbles, spins, and airborne states on cast on you and increases your stun, knock back, stumble, spin, and airborne resistance by 2000 for 7 sec.


Hailing Thunderstorm I (Voltage Ripple I) (Max I)

Hailing Thunderstorm: Deals physical damage to 4 enemies in front of you.

Reduces the cooldown time of Current Defense, Thundering Steps, Lightning Step, Magnetic Field Discharge, and Replenishing Lightning by 20%.

Multicast 3 times

Voltage Ripple: Deals physical damage to 4 enemies in front of you and knocks them back for 4 sec.

Electric Recharge 30


Silence Strike I (Max I)

Deals physical damage to a target and binds and silences them for 3 sec.

  • Gladiators and Executors acquire two types of skills in the form of chain skills upon equipping Stigmas.

8. The items sold by Combat/Magic Stigma Distributor NPCs have been changed.

  • Certain Stigmas below Level 50 have been removed from the sales list.
  • Executor Stigmas can be purchased from Combat Stigma Distributor NPCs.

9. The sale price of Abyss Stigmas has been changed.

10. The number of Stigma Shards required to equip certain Abyss Stigmas below Level 55 has been changed.

11. The Stigma Distributor NPC in charge of Executor Stigmas has been removed.

12. The icon for the "Mirror Strike” Wild Card skill has been changed.

13. The description for the “Mutated Siel's Power” skill has been fixed.

14. The description for the “Revival Wave I” and "Voltage Ripple I” skills have been fixed.

15. The number of Stigma Shards required to equip the “Charged Slash II” Stigma has been changed to 200.

16. “Glide Back” has been added as a chain skill to the Sorcerer's “Storming Smash” skill.

17. Some skill effects for Sorcerors have been changed.

18. The Quickbar has been modified for the icon of a registered skill that is deleted to turn gray.

19. Some skill effects for Spiritmasters have been changed.

20. Some skill effects for Rangers have been changed.

21. Some skills effects for Executors have been changed.

22. An explanation related to the "maximum" number of people affected has been added to the Executor AoE skills description.

23. Some skill effects for Assassins and Rangers have been changed.

24. Some skill effects for Brawlers have been changed and new skills have been added.

25. Some skill effects for Sorcerors and Clerics have been changed.

26. Some skill effects for Chanters have been changed.


1. Quests affiliated with Apheta Beluslan have been updated so that they can no longer be acquired.

  • In the case that a relevant quest has been acquired and is in progress prior to the update, it will be deleted after the update.

2. The reward for the "Defeat Captain Zanata” quest has been improved.

  • The Elite Centurion Armor Selection Box has been replaced with the Elite Tribunus Armor Selection Box.
  • In the case that a relevant quest has been acquired and is in progress prior to the update, it will be deleted after the update.

3. Group quests have been added.

  • You may select and acquire any 1 of the quests registered to the group. Quests cannot be acquired simultaneously.
  • In order to acquire another quest in the group, you must abandon the currently active quest and re-acquire the new quest or acquire the new quest once the reset time has passed after completing the currently active quest.

4. A coin fountain where you can exchange the "Sapphire Medal" has been added.

  • Coin fountains are available in each faction’s major cities and the Inggison/Gelkmaros regions.

5. The quest names of the Rafslan outpost quests have been fixed.

6. The Fortress Supplies required for the Book of Adventure quests "Pater’s Information" and "Levinard’s Information" have been updated so that they can be obtained from Balaur Fortress Defenders, Archers, Mages, and Priests.

7. Quests related to the Upper Abyss Fortress Battle have been updated so they can no longer be acquired.

  • In the case that a relevant quest has been acquired and is in progress prior to the update, it will be deleted after the update.
  • In the case that relevant items have been acquired prior to the update, they will be deleted after the update.

8. Typos in certain quests have been fixed.

9. Quests related to Dark Poeta have been updated so they can no longer be acquired.

10. Quests related to the Abyssal Splinter have been updated so that they can no longer be acquired.

11. Recurring quests related to Chantra Dredgion have been changed to daily quests.

12. A new Greater Stigma Slot expansion quest has been added.



Prerequisite Quest

Quest name



Stigma Ritual

Expand Stigma Slot



Test Subject One

Gladiator Stigma Slot open

  • The item needed to proceed with the quest can be purchased from NPC Apelles for Elyos and NPC Mempar for Asmodians.

13. A "Diad Commando Interception Request” quest has been added.

  • It can be acquired from the “Reian Lead Scout” at the Reian Campsite in Rafslan.

14. The information related to defeating the target in Vindachinerk-related quests has been improved.

15. Two quests to induce purchase of Greater Stigma have been added.


Quest Name

Quest Condition



The First Steps of a Heroic Stigma

Level 50 or higher

Complete “Shulack Stigma”

Graywinged Granny in Sanctum

Transcending Boundaries as a Fabled Stigma

Level 55 or higher

Complete “Shulack Stigma”


Entry into a Heroic Stigma

Level 50 or higher

Complete "The Shulack’s Stigma"

Graywinged Granny in Pandaemonium

Charge as a Fabled Stigma

Level 55 or higher

Complete "The Shulack’s Stigma"


16. The reward for the quests which previously distributed Radiant Tokens/Crusader Tokens as rewards has been changed to Legion Contribution Marks.

17. Certain Steel Rake quests have been removed.

  • In the case that a relevant quest has been acquired and is in progress prior to the update, it will be deleted after the update.



Price of Goodwill

Rescue Haorunerk

Suspicious Shugo

A Suspicious Call

Missing Haorunerk

The Shugo from Pandaemonium


18. The rewards for certain Steel Rake quests have been fixed.



Steel Rake Captain

Defeat Special Delivery

Control of the Ship

Shulack, I Need More Power!

Unforeseen Problems

Defeat Largimark the Smoker

Defeat Golden Eye Mantutu

Defeat First Mate Menekiki

Overpower Special Delivery

Overpower Brass-Eye Grogget

Overpower Engineer Lahulahu

Overpower Chief Gunner Koakoa

Overpower Largimark the Smoker

Overpower Golden Eye Mantutu

Overpower First Mate Menekiki


19. Two Arch Diad quests have been added.


Quest Name

Quest renewal Condition

Acquired Quest


[League/Weekly] A New Fortress Competitor

Captured 67th Legion Fortress during a raid

Enter the Captured 67th Legion Fortress during a raid

Lasting Darkness

 "Escaped Trainee Mont" while occupying the 3rd Outpost


[League/Weekly] A New Fortress Competitor

Captured 67th Legion Fortress during a raid

Enter the Captured 67th Legion Fortress during a raid

Growing Darkness

"Runaway Trainee Mont" while occupying the 3rd Outpost


20. Upon abandoning an automatically acquired quest, it will take 5 minutes to re-acquire.

21. The mention of removed dungeons in certain quests has been fixed.

22. "Return of the Empyrean Lord: Lumiel” quests have been added for each faction.



Quest Name



Intelligence Officer’s Request



Intelligence Officer’s Request

23. The escort mission for the "A Dangerous Artifact" quest has been changed to a conversation mission.

24. Certain quests in the Balaurea region have been updated so they can no longer be acquired.

25. Markers for some quests in the Balaurea region have been hidden.

  • Although the markers are not displayed on the map, it is possible to acquire quests from NPCs.

26. The "[Event] NEW YEAR Alphabet Bundle" has been removed from the quest rewards for "Rissage’s Request" and "Diadrome’s Request".

27. Quests related to the Black Vevium Battlefield have been added.

  • It can be acquired from Angel for Elyos and Akun for Asmodians.

28. Existing quests related to the Tiak Research Center have been updated so they can no longer be acquired.

  • In the case that a relevant quest has been acquired and is in progress prior to the update, it will be deleted after the update.

29. A quest related to the Fire Temple has been added.


Quest name

Acquired NPC

Repetition Count


Labanerk’s Request




Lebonerk’s Request




30. Existing quests related to the Fire Temple have been updated so they can no longer be acquired.

  • In the case that a relevant quest has been acquired and is in progress prior to the update, it will be deleted after the update.
  • In the case that relevant items have been acquired prior to the update, they will be deleted after the update.

31. The “A Dangerous Artifact” mission has been updated to display as completed if a certain stage is achieved to allow for normal progress of the mission.

32. Certain Kinah reward quests have been updated so that they can no longer be acquired.

  • In the case that a relevant quest has been acquired and is in progress prior to the update, it will be deleted after the update.

33. Markers for certain quests have been hidden.

34. Although the markers are not displayed on the map, it is possible to acquire quests from NPCs.

[Fortress Siege]

1. The number of rewards distributed for each rank of the fortress battles has been changed.

2. The fortress siege battle in the Core and Heights of the Abyss has been removed.

  • You cannot occupy artifacts in the Abyss Core or Heights Fortresses.

3. The Apheta Beluslan Region has been transformed into a fortress siege battle-exclusive region.

  • A Rift that allows travel to Apheta Beluslan will open in Rafslan.

[Wall of Lament]

1. The Wall of Lament has been updated to allow one entry per day.


1. The Relic rewards in the reward box have been improved.

2. The medals that can be acquired from reward boxes have been changed from Black Gold Medals to Mithril Medals.

3. The probability of obtaining "Time Shards" from the gatherables "Condensed Traces of Time" has been increased.


1. The mission region for certain Legion missions has been changed to the new field "Rafslan."

2. The quantity of "My Continuous Coin Production" Legion rewards has been changed.

3. The 1st day "My Continuous Coin Production" Legion reward has been replaced with the 2nd day reward.

4. “My Continuous Coin Production” has been fixed to prevent initialization upon rejoining Legions.

5. A new Legion Crafting "[Supply] Sensitive Padmarashka Weapon Selection Box" has been added.

  • If the item is removed from the Legion Warehouse, it cannot be stored again.

6. A new Legion Crafting "[Event] Sweet Summon Box" has been added.

  • If the item is removed from the Legion Warehouse, it cannot be stored again.

7. The type of missions available when Legion PvP mission activities are enabled have been changed.

  • "[PvP] Enter the Crucible Coliseum or the Arena of Harmony 20 times" and "[Common] Enter the battlefield 12 times" missions have been deleted.
  • "[PvP] Enter Chantra Dredgion 12 times" and "[PvP] Enter the Black Vevium Battlefield 12 times" missions have been added.

[Instance Dungeon]

1. The Abyssal Splinter dungeon has been removed.

2. The Dark Poeta dungeon has been removed.

3. The maximum entry level for standard instance dungeons has been raised from Level 58 to Level 60.

4. The maximum entry level for the battlefield "Chantra Dredgion " has been raised to Level 60.

  • Entry is allowed for Levels 56-60.

5. The entrances to certain instance dungeons have been moved to Rafslan.

  • Tartarus / Wall of Lament / Phaistos’ Disk / Telos of the Forgotten / Dragon Lord's Throne

6. The probability of obtaining equipment and miscellaneous rewards has been adjusted according to changes in the number of entries to the Wall of Lament.

7. The probability of obtaining "Nutritious Poppy Snacks" from "Poppy's Present" at the Crucible Challenge has been increased.

8. "Mini Acarun's Energy Bars" can now be obtained from Tempus, Wall of Lament, Dragon Lord's Throne, and Phaistos’ Disk.

  • At Tempus, it can be obtained from the "Tempus Premium Treasure Box" that appears upon achieving S Rank.

9. The Invincibility skill of the Soul Gargoyle and Sapping Gargoyle that appear in "Tartarus" have been removed.

10. Some abnormal terrains in "Tartarus" have been fixed.

11. The difficulty of the "Ashikar Legion Hideout" has been adjusted.

  • One of the two types of Elite monsters at the six entrances to the Relics rooms have been removed.
  • Elite monsters in the time attack zone have been replaced with general monsters.
  • The "Ashikar Fleshmenders" placed from the starting point to the start of the time attack zone have been removed.

12. "Glossy Padmarashka’s Crystals" can now be obtained after defeating Sensitive Padmarashka.

  • All members in a party may acquire "Shiny Padmarashka's Crystals.”

13. The new battlefield "Black Vevium Battlefield" has been added.

Despite its barren appearance, Rafslan was once a land with hidden valuable resources.

The Apsu Balaur—ostracized, petrified, and absorbed into the earth’s surface as rocks by the Dragon Lord Tiamat in Rafslan—left behind Black Tears (Black Drana) condensed from their lingering resentment, with their vanished corpses and grudges accumulating in Rafslan’s stratum as Black Crystals (Black Vevium) after being buried in the ground.

Because Vevium, the ore from which Black Crystals are derived, was hidden deep in the depths of Rafslan’s subterranean areas, it remained relatively unknown until it was discovered by the Tiamat Balaur who were researching the strange properties of Black Drana.

Black Vevium, known to have the power to amplify abilities to their limit just like with Black Drana, has become a coveted resource for all those seeking great power.

In particular, compared to the quick depletion of Black Drana, Black Vevium showed potential to be used semi-permanently when processed into weapons and equipment, prompting skirmishes between the Elyos and Asmodians who determined it a new resource and means for power to wholly take possession of the supply.

As a result, three factions—the Tiamat Balur, Elyos, and Asmodians—clashed at key points where the Black Vevium was located.

However, using a resource primarily considered a Balic power brings a sense of guilt, so Daevas hide their factions and identities when participating in the battlefield.

Participant Count

Entry Level

Entry Count

Reset Time

Entry Time

6 vs 6

Level 56 and up


Wednesdays 9AM


  • Entrance is accessible via the application icon that appears on the HUD during entry time.
  • Only individual entry applications are accepted.
  • Same-faction matching is possible.
  • In the case that occupation of the Mining Device is maintained, you can continuously earn points at scheduled intervals.
  • Points can be earned by killing the opposing team’s PCs and NPCs, as well as neutral monsters not affiliated with any faction.
  • Points may be earned when interacting with specific objects.
  • Buffs can be acquired by killing neutral monsters or occupying Mining Devices.
  • A Rift that allows one member in each team’s waiting room to transport to the “Hidden Mine” will appear at set times.
  • Upon defeating the first advent of “Mutant Chimera Alashiana,” “Empyrean Lord Lumiel’s Necklace” may be obtained at a set probability.
  • If the commander of either team is eliminated, scores are instantly settled and the battle ends.

14. The instance dungeon "Fire Temple" has been improved.

Entry NPC

Participant Count

Entry Level

Entry Count

Reset Time

Fire Temple Entrance


Level 27+


Wednesdays 9AM

  • A buff will now be supplied upon entry.
  • "Concentrated Frost" will be distributed upon entry and deleted after exiting the instanced.
  • The stats and drops of all monsters in the Fire Temple have been adjusted.
  • "Vile Judge Kromede" will no longer appear at the Fire Temple.
  • "Lava Gatneri, Black Smoke Asparn, and Silver Blade Rotan" will now appear with a 100% chance at the Fire Temple.
  • The Fire Temple can be exited via the "Suspicious Mirror" in the instance dungeon.
  • The placement of monsters in the Kyola Temple has been modified.

15. The battlefield "Tiak Research Center" has been deactivated.

  • The Tiak entry button has been removed from the dialogues of the Angel and Akun NPCs.

16. The Black Vevium Battlefield-exclusive “Return to Battlefield Waiting Room” skill icon has been changed.

17. The message displayed when Alashiana appears in the Black Vevium Battlefield has been modified.

18. The Fire Temple for the Asmodian mission has been integrated with the general Fire Temple.

The "A Captive Flame" mission can be executed at the Fire Temple.


1. Arena of Discipline, Arena of Harmony and Arena of Glory have been removed.

2. The Perbano and Reigar NPCs at Kaisinel Academy/Marchutan Priory no longer sell arena tickets.

3. The Skill Book bundles sold by the Harmony/Discipline Insignia Distributors have been changed.


Item Name

Discipline Insignia Distributor

[Season] Rocking Chair: Herb Treatment V Skill Book Bundle

[Season] Return: Corridor Skill Book Bundle of Discipline

Harmony Insignia Distributor

[Season] Rocking Chair: Mana Recovery V Skill Book Bundle

[Season] Return: Corridor Skill Book Bundle of Harmony


4. The Skill Book Bundles sold by the Crucible Consumables Merchants have been changed.



Discipline Consumables Merchant

[Season] Return: Spatial Annihilation Skill Book Discipline Bundle

[Season] Prophecy: Herb Treatment V Skill Book Bundle

Harmony Consumables Merchant

[Season] Return: Spatial Annihilation Skill Book Harmony Bundle

[Season] Prophecy: Mana Recovery V Skill Book Bundle


1. A Brawler-exclusive item has been added.

  • The types and drop rates of items that can be acquired after defeating monsters have been adjusted.
  • The types and drop rates of items that can be acquired/selected when using bundle items have been adjusted.
  • A Dragon Claw Crafting Design has been added.

2. The stats and values applied when enchanting weapons and armors have been changed.

  • Magic Suppression stats will now be additionally applied to armor enchantment by level.
  • The enchantment value has been increased for enchanting weapons and armors Level 11-15.

3. A new medal, the Mithril Medal, has been added.

  • It can be obtained through various endeavors such as the Crucible Coliseum, battlefields, and instanced quest rewards.
  • Mithril Medals can be exchanged for the new Admiral Abyss equipment.

4. New Abyss equipment, Admiral equipment, has been added.

  • Admiral equipment can be purchased from the new distributor NPCs in Inggison and Gelkmaros.

5. Any Apheta Beluslan Scrolls in your possession will be changed to Rafslan Scrolls after the update.

6. Adjusted the probability of activating certain altered states after attacking with two-handed weapons (greatswords, polearms, staffs, and bows).

7. Dragon Claw gear has been added to Kaliga's Weapon Selection Box.

8. Dragon Claw equipment has been added to Beshmundir Hero’s Weapon Selection Box.

9. The effect description hidden in [Event] Sensitive Padmarashka's weapons has been removed.

10. The price of Kinah obtained after selling Malekor's Noble Corundum/Turquoise Rings and Sukana’s Noble Corundum/Turquoise Earrings has been lowered.

11. The number of "Shiny Tahabata Crystals" required to assemble the "[Supply] Tahabata Weapon Selection Box" has been changed to 3.

12. A description has been added for the "Nutritious Poppy Snack."

13. The number of item stacks for Administrator's Boon and [Event] Administrator's Boon has been changed to 10,000.

14. The Moros points that increase with Abyss Stigma have been changed.

15. “Charged Slash I” Stigmas can now be purchased from Stigma Distributors.

16. Radiant/Crusader Tokens can now be stored in account warehouses.

17. A new Fabled Binded Godstone has been added.



Godstone: Andre’s Root

Binds with a 5% probability for 6 sec.

  • It can be obtained at a set probability from the "Greater Godstone Bundles" that are dropped after defeating Arch Diad.

18. The effect of some Fabled Godstones has been changed.




Godstone: Meslamtaeda's Greed

Stuns with a 6% probability for 1 sec.

Stuns with a 6% probability for 4 sec.

Godstone: Nezekan's Advance

Immobilizes with a 2% probability for 10 sec.

Immobilizes and reduces Evasion and Magic Resistance by 1000 with a 4% probability for 10 sec.

Godstone: Lumiel's Intervention

Reduces Attack Speed by 50% with a 5% probability for 10 sec.

Reduces Attack Speed by 50% and increases Casting Time by 50% with a 5% probability for 10 sec.

Godstone: Kaisinel's Fantasy

Reduces Movement Speed by 50% with a 5% probability for 10 sec.

Reduces Movement Speed by 50% and Magic Accuracy by 2000 with a 6% probability for 10 sec.

Godstone: Zikel's Arrogance

Deals Poison Slash every 2 sec. with a 10% probability for 20 sec.

Deals Poison Slash and reduces Flight Time every 2 sec. with a 10% probability for 20 sec.

Godstone: Fregion's Stratagem

Deals Bleeding damage with an 8% probability for 10 sec.

Reduces Recovery received by 30% with an 8% probability for 5 sec.

19. FX effects have been added to "Hushblade Weapons" and “Silence Weapons".

20. The set item effects for the Elite Guardian and Elite Archon Primus Pilus Armor have been removed.

21. The stats of Elite Guardian and Elite Archon Primus Pilus Armor have been adjusted.

22. A typo in the Fist of Eclipse I~IV Stigma tooltip has been fixed.

23. Arrows are no longer used when attacking with bows.

  • For equipment sets that include bows, the bow must be re-equipped and saved.
  • Arrows can no longer be equipped.
  • NPCs no longer sell arrows.

24. "[Supply] Sensitive Padmasha" weapons have been added.

25. The price of L21-55 Skill Books Sale sold by NPCs has been reduced.

26. Some Crucible Contribution Rewards have been removed from sales lists.

27. "Judge Kromede's Weapons" has been added.

  • They can be obtained after defeating "Kromede the Corrupt" in the Fire Temple.

28. "Fierce White Flame Weapons" have been added.

  • They can be obtained with a set probability after defeating "Lava Gatneri and Black Smoke Asparn" in the Fire Temple.

29. "Rotan's Essence" has been added.

  • It can be obtained after defeating "Silver Blade Rotan" in the Fire Temple.
  • Maximum HP and Maximum MP increase by 150 points for 30 minutes while the item is active.

30. "White Flame Ring," "White Flame Earrings," and "Fierce Spark Necklace" have been added.

  • It can be obtained with a set probability after defeating "Blue Crystal Molgat, Flame Branch Flavi, Tough Siphus, and Broken Wing Kutisen" in the Fire Temple.

31. The Abyss Point cost for purchasing some Abyss equipment has been changed.

The Abyss Point cost for purchasing Elite Cavalier Wings and Armor has been reduced.

The Abyss Point cost for purchasing Elite Brigade General Armor has been reduced.

The Abyss Point cost for purchasing Brigade General Weapons, Armor, and Accessories has been reduced.


1. Brawler-exclusive weapons have been added to the sales list of merchant NPCs.

2. Information related to Brawlers has been added to the Signpost in Sanctum and Pandaemonium.

3. NPCs who exchange Platinum Medals for Black Gold Medals have been placed in Inggison and Gelkmaros.

4. NPCs who exchange Platinum and Black Gold Medals for Mithril Medals have been placed in Inggison and Gelkmaros.

5. The Elite Investigation Team Reward Officer will no longer sell Elite Primus Pilus Armor Boxes.

6. The “Meletos” NPC in Inggison and the “Eruca" NPC in Gelkmaros have been changed to Legion Contribution Mark Distributors.

  • Legion Contribution Marks earned through quests can be used to purchase rewards.

7. The Radiant Lesser Godstone Pack of Radiant Token Steward “Lesarius” in Inggison and Crusader’s Lesser Godstone Pack of Crusader Token Stewards “Nispero” in Gelkmaros have been changed to Radiant/Crusader’s Godstone Packs.

  • The Radiant/Crusader’s Godstone Packs have the same composition as the Command Godstone Box and have the same composition as the Legion Contribution Godstone Boxes that can be purchased with Legion Contribution Marks.

8. The quest prerequisites to acquire the ability to transport to the Kaisinel Academy/Marchutan Priory via “Noratha” for the Elyos and “Virvain” for the Asmodians has been removed.

[Return of the Empyrean Lord]

1. Activities for the Empyrean Lord "Lumiel" have been added.


1. The new "Rafslan Painting" ancient art has been added.

2. The new "Memories of a Young Daeva" Book of Adventure has been added.

3. Storybook painting shards and unconfirmed painting shards can now be stored in account warehouses.

4. You may no longer own more than two items related to the “Memories of a Young Daeva” quest.

5. The new "Lumiel Painting" ancient art has been added.


1. "Medal Chomping Poppy Egg" has been added.

  • It can be purchased from pet merchants in big cities.
  • The pet can be fed 40 times for one gift per feeding.

2. The "Runaway Poppy Egg” will no longer be sold.

[Daeva Potential]

1. Rewards for achieving 14,000 and 15,000 points of Daeva potential have been added.

[Accumulated Enchantment Effect]

1. A four-stage effect that activates when the total enchantment sum of all equipped weapons and armor is Level 80 or higher has been added.

Enchantment Lvl Total




Increases PvE Defense by 5%

Reduces Godstone Blindness Duration reduced by 50%

  • The Level 90 enchantment effect has been changed to a five-stage effect.


1. Icons related to the Core and Heights fortress battles have been removed.

2. Icons related to Abyss fortress battles have been removed from the map.

3. Certain terrains in Gelkmaros have been fixed.

4. A function that saves Memo Pad to servers has been added.

  • Clicking the “Save” button saves the contents of the Memo Pad to the server. Contents can be saved every five seconds.
  • Memo Pad contents saved on an existing PC can be loaded through the "Summon Memo Pad" button.

5. The placement of unusable skills registered to the Quickbar can now be disabled with class changes.